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digital media
& marketing

When the world shut down at the beginning of 2020, we all learned just how much of an asset digital media is to our lives. While running social media pages for my extracurriculars and interning with a boutique digital agency, I've picked up numerous skills that allow me to stay competitive online.

brand development

brand devlopment

As with anything, in order to be successful you need to have solid foundations — for digital marketing, that foundation is brand development. While interning at X. Nguyen Design Co., I learned that creating a thorough style guide is one of the first steps to help grow your brand online, as it sets the foundation for the rest of your marketing efforts. To put this skill into practice, I treated my sorority as a mock client and developed a style guide to help establish our organization's unique brand identity and provide some direction for our promotional tactics moving forward. Click through using the arrows to check it out!

socil media marketing

social media marketing

While running social media for both my sorority and my internship, one of my main priorities was increasing the reach and engagement for both brands online. Over the course of one semester, I was able to boost my sorority's IG following by nearly 5% and my company's reach by 259% using some of the strategies listed below!

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organized feed

organized feed

One of the first things I've discovered is that having a clean, well organized feed is essential as this is the first thing one sees when they visit your page. Cohesiveness is naturally pleasing to the eye and offers a more professional vibe to your page. A well organized feed provides a strong visual representation of your brand's identity and shows a high level of attention to detail. To do this, I focused on:

  1. editing photos to highlight similar tones and colors

  2. designing graphics to match the theme of your photos

  3. planning out posts in advance using a 3rd party app

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ACTIVE captions

active captioning

With so much content being released on line now, Instagram prioritizes posts that are consistently receiving engagement, as it signals that the content is interesting to viewers.While putting out better photo and/or video content plays a big role in engagement, I've learned that having a strong caption to supplement that is equally important. Strong captions offer the viewer information that they don't already get from your photo/video and also encourage them to take some sort of tangible action. For the captions I wrote for my internship, I focused on revolving it around socially relevant topics and encouraged the audience to comment on our post by posing a question at the end.

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tracking analytics

tracking analytics

While managing social media for both my internship and my sorority, I've found that  ultimately there is no "one-size-fits-all" strategy for social media. Thus, tracking your account's performance is the best way to grow your brand as you're able to identify what specifically works for your audience and capitalize on that. I use the application Later and find it extremely useful for tracking data, as it provides an overall look at your profile's growth and discovery, predicts the best times to post for optimal engagement based on your specific audience, and even highlights your most successful posts so you can use it as a guide for future content.

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cross platform

active captioning

With so much content being released on line now, Instagram prioritizes posts that are consistently receiving engagement, as it signals that the content is interesting to viewers.While putting out better photo and/or video content plays a big role in engagement, I've learned that having a strong caption to supplement that is equally important. Strong captions offer the viewer information that they don't already get from your photo/video and also encourage them to take some sort of tangible action. For the captions I wrote for my internship, I focused on revolving it around socially relevant topics and encouraged the audience to comment on our post by posing a question at the end.

cross platform linking

One strategy I developed during my internship was cross linking social platforms. The goal was to expose the audience to a greater amount of our content and ultimately funnel them to our website, where they have the opportunity to read about the services that the company offers and potentially book a consultation with us. On Pinterest, I created monthly mood boards linked with photos from our website gallery. Then, I promoted those board on Instagram so that our followers had an easy pathway to end up on our site. On the website, I added the option for visitors to "pin" any photos in our gallery and linked our Instagram to ultimately create a loop between all 3 of our pages.

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